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Welcome to
Lutheran Church​​

“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”  

[1 John 1:5]

We warmly welcome you to be a member of our multicultural church family. Regardless of your race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, social or economic state, physical or mental challenge, and whether you are confident or questioning your faith, you are invited to be a part of our community. We offer opportunities through the week for worship, study, service, and fellowship.


As Lutheran Christians, we are a people centered not in judgment, but in God's unconditional grace through Jesus Christ. Our tradition is one of ongoing renewal and reform in the church, through the power of the Holy Spirit. We invite you to make Apostles Lutheran Church your home and to participate actively in our mission to share God's unconditional love and tell the story of Jesus to all.

Sunday Schedule
 10:00AM Indoors Worship & Communion
ALL are welcome!

God’s purpose for the church is to witness to his grace, forgiveness, compassion and justice.  We fulfill this purpose by serving and caring for our local and global communities.



Upcoming Events



  FOOD PANTRY: 2nd and 4th Thursdays

food distribution from 1PM - 3PM at

Apostles, Turnersville


Greif Share Group meets 1st Thursday of the

month at 10:30AM.


Fellowship Luncheon following the service on the Third Sunday of the month.



For all other events see the Happenings page*






Ash Wednesday March Fifth, 2025, 6:30PM 

(Pastor will be available for Imposition of Ashes

from 10-11:30am,

A Spirit of Generousity


"For God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance,

so that by always having enough of everything, you my share abundantly

in every good work"


[II Corinthians 9:8]

Church (ELCA)
4401 Black Horse Pike (Rt 42) 
Turnersville, NJ 08012




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John Perovich's You Tube Channel

c. 2018 by Apostles Lutheran Church

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